YIT to deliver piping to the new Severn Power power plant in the UK

PRESS RELEASE 21.8.2008 Cleared for publication at 13:00

 YIT to deliver piping to the new Severn Power power plant in the UK             

YIT and Siemens AG have agreed on a delivery of piping for the Severn Power combined cycle gas turbine power plant at Uskmouth in South Wales, UK. The delivery is valued more than 30 million Euros and comprises design, materials, prefabrication and installation.

YIT will provide 1,000 tonnes of piping for the project, including main steam and low-pressure piping. Among the ordinary power plant steel pipes, the delivery includes fibreglass and high density polyethylene piping. The design of the piping will commence immediately and the delivery is slated for completion towards middle of 2010.

In recent years, Siemens has ordered similar major deliveries from YIT for projects in countries such as UK, Ireland, Latvia, Sweden and Norway. All these commissions have been end-to-end deliveries, including materials, design, prefabrication and installation. Finnish YIT technicians and welders have participated in the most demanding installation works.

The owner of this power plant will be Welsh Power Ltd with whom Siemens AG has a turnkey contract. Upon its completion in summer 2010, the new power plant will generate 850 MW of electricity with two single saft units, both consisting of one gas turbine and one steam turbine.

For additional information, contact: Voitto Rajala, Vice President, Energy Industry, YIT Industrial Services, tel. +358 400 341 887, voitto.rajala@yit.fi.

YIT Corporation

Juha Kostiainen Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications and Business Development

Distribution: Principal media, trade journals, www.yitgroup.com YIT offers design, capital investment and maintenance services for industrial processes and equipment and properties. We are the leading player in high-pressure piping projects in Northern Europe. At our engineering workshops, we prefabricate piping, boilers and tanks to meet our customers' needs globally.

YIT is a successful European service company in building systems, construction services and services for industry. We build, develop and maintain quality living environments in Nordic countries, Russia, Baltic countries and Central Europe. In 2007, YIT's revenue amounted to EUR 3.7 billion. The Group employes more than 25,000 people. YIT's share is listed on OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki. www.yitgroup.com