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YIT to construct new a building for the National Archives of Estonia
State Real Estate Ltd (Riigi Kinnisvara AS - RKAS) and YIT Ehitus AS have signed an agreement worth almost EUR 8 million on the construction of the new office and archive building for the National Archives of Estonia. The construction work begins in January and completion of the archives is estimated for spring 2016.
The National Archives of Estonia is located in the city of Tartu, and the building will be approximately 11,000 square metres. In the design of the six-storey building, special attention has been paid to special requirements set for archiving, energy efficiency and durability. The building was designed by Estonian architects office Asum Arhitektid Oü.
“We are glad that we succeeded in the selection process especially because of our quality points. New technology will also be largely exploited in the project, including three-dimensional modelling of the building’s product information,” says Margus Põim, President and CEO of YIT Ehitus.
The National Archives is a state institution whose objective is to ensure the preservation of important information and its suitable use. The National Archives is responsible for gathering information on society, ensuring the availability of information at the archive building as well as online, and store the files in suitable conditions. The National Archives of Estonia develops different archiving services and is also involved in research and publication activities.
Additional information:
Margus Põim, President and CEO, YIT Ehitus AS, margus.poim@yit.ee, tel. +372 504 1068
Hanna Malmivaara, Vice President, Communications, YIT Corporation, hanna.malmivaara@yit.fi tel. +358 40 561 6568
Photos: http://yit.materialbank.net/NiboWEB/YIT/showCartPublicContent.do?uuid=6966522&random=859679&lang=en
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