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PRESS RELEASE 26 May, 2009 at 9:00 am
YIT receives a significant gas boiler modernisation order in Luleå
YIT has signed a contract with LuleKraft Ab for a significant gas boiler modernisation project, in which an old gas boiler will be partially redesigned and rebuilt. After the design and engineering work is implemented in Finland, the installations in Luleå, Sweden will be carried out by 110 Finnish fitters and welders in the summer of 2010.
LuleKraft AB's power plant produces about 95% of the district heating required by the City of Luleå, and produces the electricity and process steam for the steelworks next to the plant. The over 25-year-old high-pressure steam boiler will be partially redesigned and rebuilt. This will improve the boiler's efficiency and reliability as well as extend its operating life.
Right from the start, YIT has cooperated with LuleKraft in planning the project. The prefabrication of the boiler parts began at the YIT Varkaus workshop. The actual modernisation work will be carried out during a 28-day shutdown in the summer of 2010. A total of 110 YIT fitters and welders from Finland will go to perform the work. The value of the order is about EUR 5 million.
For further information, please contact: Voitto Rajala, Vice President, Energy Industry, YIT Industrial Services, tel. +358 400 341 887, voitto.rajala@yit.fi
Veikko Myllyperkiö Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications
Distribution: Principal media, trade journals, www.yit.fi
YIT is a successful European service company in building systems, construction services and services for industry. We build, develop and maintain quality living environments in Nordic countries, Russia, Baltic countries and Central Europe. YIT offers design, capital investment and maintenance services for industrial production processes as well as equipment and properties. We are the market leader in high-pressure pipeline projects in Northern Europe. We deliver prefabricated pipeline, boiler and tank products, manufactured at our workshops, to our customers globally.