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Invitation to financial media: YIT Capital Markets Day in Frankfurt
We are pleased to invite you to participate in YIT's Capital Markets Day in Frankfurt on 10th of September 2008 Get acquitted with YIT Corporation and its operations in Central Europe
During the Capital Markets Day the participants will have the opportunity to get acquainted with YIT Corporation's operations and strategy as well as the newly acquired building systems operations in Central Europe.
YIT is a successful European service company in building systems, construction services and services for industry. We operate in Nordic countries, Russia, Baltic countries and Central Europe. In 2007, YIT's revenue amounted to EUR 3.7 billion. The Group employs more than 25,000 people. YIT's share is listed on OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki. In the beginning of August 2008, YIT expanded its presence to six new countries - Germany, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania - by acquiring MCE's building system operations in Central Europe.
The Capital Markets Day program will consist of management presentations and a site visit. Main topic will be our key strategic focus areas and targets.
During the day, presentations on YIT's strategy, building system services and the operations in Central Europe will be held by
- Hannu Leinonen, President and CEO, YIT Corporation - Juhani Pitkäkoski, President, YIT Building Systems - Karl-Walter Schuster, Senior Vice President, Building Systems, Central Europe
We will provide information on our International Construction Services in Russia, Baltic countries and Central Europe. Energy efficiency solutions are also presented.
The media representatives will have an opportunity to interview YIT management on one-to-one basis. Presentation by President and CEO Hannu Leinonen is available also as webcast at www.yitgroup.com/webcast.
Please, see practical details on confirming the participation. WELCOME! YIT Corporation
Hannu Leinonen President and CEO
Enclosures Practical details Program of YIT Capital Markets Day in Frankfurt Presentation material on YIT Release on acquisition in Central Europe Release on transferring the acquired businesses to YIT Brochure YIT in Brief: http://www.yitgroup.com > Media
Hotel Schlosshotel Kronberg: http://www.schlosshotel-kronberg.de