YIT   Corporation: SHARE REPURCHASE 30.7.2019

YIT   Corporation ANNOUNCEMENT 30.7.2019
YIT   Corporation: SHARE REPURCHASE 30.7.2019
In the Helsinki Stock   Exchange
Trade date          30.7.2019
Bourse trade        Buy
Share                  YIT
Amount            60 000 Shares
Average price/ share    4,9326 EUR
Total cost            295 956,00 EUR
YIT   Corporation now holds a total of 1030 504 shares
including   the shares repurchased on 30.7.2019
On behalf of YIT Corporation
Nordea Bank Oyj
Janne Sarvikivi          Sami Huttunen
For   more information, please contact:
Ilkka Salonen, CFO
tel. +358 45 359 4434
Hanna Jaakkola
Vice   President, Investor Relations
www.yitgroup.com (https://www.yitgroup.com/en)
