The status of the actions for the recovery of damages in the asphalt cartel case

LEMMINKÄINEN CORPORATION STOCK EXCHANGE BULLETIN 5.3.2010, 12.15 THE STATUS OF THE ACTIONS FOR THE RECOVERY OF DAMAGES IN THE ASPHALT CARTEL CASE The statements of claim notified to Lemminkäinen in the so-called asphalt cartel case have been partly specified. Lemminkäinen has earlier reported on the matter, inter alia, in the financial statements bulletin of 12 February 2010, in a separate stock exchange bulletin of 29 September 2009 and in interim reports. As noted in the financial statemen



The statements of claim notified to Lemminkäinen in the so-called asphalt
cartel case have been partly specified. Lemminkäinen has earlier reported on
the matter, inter alia, in the financial statements bulletin of 12 February
2010, in a separate stock exchange bulletin of 29 September 2009 and in interim

As noted in the financial statements bulletin, actions for the recovery of
damages against the company have so far been brought by 21 municipalities and
the Finnish Road Administration. The claimants have notified of their intent to
specify their claims, and some of the specified claims have been notified to
Lemminkäinen. Even the specified claims are partially preliminary but the total
capital amount of the claims received by Lemminkäinen, is approximately EUR 65
million, which also corresponds in size to the estimates made in the media. 

The amount of the claims may either increase or decrease. The majority of the
claimants have not yet submitted their specified statements of claim to the
district court. Some of the claimants have informed that they are only
assessing the amount of the possible damages. Some of the claims against
Lemminkäinen are based on such asphalt contracts to which Lemminkäinen has not
been a party, but rather the contracts have been concluded between other
asphalt companies and the clients acting now as claimants. 

Lemminkäinen does not have sufficiently accurate and exact information on the
statements of claim, wherefore the company cannot presently comment on the
amounts in more detail. No expense reserves have been made on the statements of

Lemminkäinen's initial position is that the statements of claim are without

The Supreme Administrative Court imposed in its decision of 29 September 2009 a
fine on Lemminkäinen and some other asphalt industry companies for
infringements of the competition laws in the domestic market for road surfacing
between 1994 and 2002. A competition infringement fine of EUR 68 million was
imposed on Lemminkäinen. 

The decision of the Supreme Administrative Court does not per se mean that
Lemminkäinen or some other asphalt industry companies had caused damage to the
parties ordering asphalt works. The decision does not concern those individual
contracts which, according to the claimants, will be used to support their
claims for the recovery of damages. Nor does the decision concern the pricing
of individual contracts, and in fact the Supreme Administrative Court did not
investigate the claim according to which so-called excessive pricing deviating
from the market price had been used in the contracts. 

Each statement of claim will be considered separately and the evidence provided
in support of them will be evaluated separately. The claims will be considered
in the order and according to the timetable determined by the district court.
It is likely that the district court proceedings will continue into 2011. 

The matter will be reported on either separately or in connection with interim

Corporate Communications

President and CEO Timo Kohtamäki
Lemminkäinen Corporation
Tel. +358 2071 53263

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
Key media

Lemminkäinen Group operates in all areas of the construction sector. The
Group's business sectors are Building Construction, Infrastructure
Construction, Technical Building Services, and Building Products. Net sales in 
2009 were approx. EUR 2.0 billion, of which international operations accounted
for over a quarter. The Group employs about 8,600 people. Lemminkäinen
Corporation's share is quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd.