LEMMINKÄINEN CORPORATION STOCK EXCHANGE BULLETIN 10.5.2006, 10.05 INTERIM FINANCIAL REVIEW 1.1. – 31.3.2006: NET SALES UP BY A THIRD Lemminkäinen Group’s Q1 net sales rose 31.3 % to EUR 303.5 million (231.2). The customary first-quarter loss before taxes stemming from the seasonal nature of the company’s business was EUR -9.1 million (-12.8). The order book grew 27 % to stand at EUR 1,155.7 million (909.8). Growing order book lays fair foundations for net sales growth and improved earn


Lemminkäinen Group’s Q1 net sales rose 31.3 % to EUR 303.5 million
(231.2). The customary first-quarter loss before taxes stemming
from the seasonal nature of the company’s business was EUR -9.1
million (-12.8). The order book grew 27 % to stand at EUR 1,155.7
million (909.8). Growing order book lays fair foundations for net
sales growth and improved earnings.


The outlook for the Finnish construction market remains
favourable. The volume of construction is forecast to grow 3 %
this year and is expected to match the annual growth rate of the
Scandinavian economies in 2007. Growth is being supported by good
demand for housing as well as brisk activity in industrial,
warehousing and commercial construction. The estimated number of
new housing units for this year is approx. 33,500 (33,701). A
recovery in office construction is evident this year, and the
volume of civil engineering contracting will continue to grow
supported by several major on-going projects.

The value of the Finnish construction companies’ international
business has also developed favourably. Russia, the Baltic states
and Scandinavia will continue to be the key international markets
for the Finnish construction industry.

Operations abroad accounted for most of the growth in
Lemminkäinen’s net sales. The company has retained its good market
position in the Baltic Rim region, in addition to which it has
expanded its operations into emerging economies. The growing
investments of Finnish industry in countries such as China and
India is increasing demand for Lemminkäinen’s services.


The Q1 net sales of Lemminkäinen Group rose 31.3 % to EUR 303.5
million (231.2). Operations abroad accounted for 30.0 % (23.4) of
net sales.

The Q1 operating result was EUR -6.8 million (-11.0) and the
result before taxes was EUR –9.1 million(-12.8). The result after
taxes was EUR –7.3 million (-9.6), and earnings per share were EUR
–0.49 (-0.64). The first-quarter loss is customary and stems from
the seasonal nature of Lemminkäinen’s businesses.


Paving and Mineral Aggregates Division

The Q1 net sales of the Paving and Mineral Aggregates Division
rose to EUR 23.9 million (21.5). The operating result was EUR
–20.6 million (-16.2). The first-quarter loss is customary and
stems from the seasonal nature of asphalt paving operations. The
Division’s order book was EUR 255.3 million (216.0), of which
operations abroad accounted for 51.7 % (46.4).

The exceptional length and heavy snowfalls of the 2005/2006 winter
in Scandinavia had an adverse impact on the Division’s Q1 result.
The total volume of asphalt paving works in Finland is slightly
down on last year. The price level of asphalt paving contracts has
developed favourably in Denmark and Norway, but remains weak in
Sweden and Finland. In Russia and the Baltic states the outlook
for asphalt paving is good.

The prices of raw materials, especially bitumen, have continued to
rise, but Lemminkäinen has been quite successful in hedging itself
against these price increases.

Brisk housing production and on-going infrastructure projects are
supporting the good level of demand for mineral aggregate and
ready-mix concrete.

Building Materials Division

The Q1 net sales of the Building Materials Division were EUR 11.6
million (13.2) and the operating result was EUR –2.6 million
(-3.4). The Division’s order book was EUR 23.6 million (21.2).

Demand for roofing and urban environment contracting has remained
good. The price level is also expected to rise.

Lemcon Ltd

The Q1 net sales of Lemcon Ltd rose to EUR 100.9 million (66.0)
and the profit before taxes rose to EUR 4.4 million (3.0). The
company’s order book was EUR 368.3 million (234.3), of which
operations abroad accounted for 52.2 % (64.7).

Lemcon’s domestic order book for rock engineering contracting is
good. Also in Sweden the state of the market appears to remain
favourable. Construction work on the E18 motorway contract, in
which Lemcon is participating as a consortium partner, is
proceeding as planned.

Commercial construction is expected to remain brisk thanks to new
building works in downtown Helsinki, amongst other factors. In
Russia, demand for industrial and logistical facilities continues
to remain brisk. Demand for the expert services of the globally
operating Lemcon Networks appears to be still growing.

During the review period IKEA announced the termination of its
contract with Lemcon concerning the construction of the MEGA
shopping centre in St. Petersburg. The value of the contract was
approximately EUR 92 million. There are no legal grounds for the
contract termination, and the matter will proceed to the court of
arbitration. Termination of the half-completed contract will not
have any essential bearing on the Group’s full-year result.

Oy Alfred A. Palmberg Ab

The Q1 net sales of the Group’s building contractor, Oy Alfred A.
Palmberg Ab, was up on the previous year at EUR 129.7 million
(99.4). The company’s result before taxes improved and was EUR 6.9
million (3.9). Palmberg’s order book was EUR 441.5 million

The improving employment situation coupled with a rise in earned
incomes and increased borrowing are providing further support for
the demand for housing. The volume of building construction rose
5.4 % last year and is expected to grow 3.5 % in 2006. New housing
starts for this year are forecast at 33,500, of which 10,600 will
be private-sector housing units.

Palmberg’s housing production is growing. The company made new
starts on 575 (375) private-sector housing units in the first
quarter. In 2005 the company made starts on 1,251 new housing
units, and has the capabilities to make starts on approx. 1,500
units this year. Palmberg’s full-year outlook is good and its
order book stands at an all-time high.

Tekmanni Oy

The Q1 net sales of Tekmanni Oy were EUR 42.9 million (40.5) and
the profit before taxes EUR 2.5 million (1.6). The order book was
EUR 67.0 million (75.5).

The business adjustment and restructuring measures implemented
last year have improved Tekmanni’s competitiveness and
profitability. Industrial investments and the sustained level of
activity on the refurbishment market have boosted demand for
maintenance, upkeep and repair works in the technical services
sector. In particular, the volume of plumbing refurbishment works
in residential buildings is growing nationwide.

The growth potential of the technical services sector augers well
for Tekmanni in 2006.


At the beginning of 2006 the roofing and concrete products
businesses of the Building Materials Division were transferred to
two new subsidiaries: Lemminkäinen Katto Oy and Lemminkäinen
Betonituote Oy. The new companies together with Omni-Sica Oy still
constitute the Building Materials Division.


According to the source and application of funds statement, the
cash flow from operating activities was EUR –76.4 million (-32.1),
the cash flow from investing activities EUR –3.8 million
(-2.2) and the cash flow from financing activities EUR 76.4
million (32.3). The cash flow for the accounting period includes
dividends totalling EUR 18.0 million (9.9) for 2005.

Interest-bearing liabilities at the end of the accounting period
were EUR 360.9 million (325.3) and liquid funds were EUR 38.5
million (38.1). Interest-bearing net debt was EUR 322.4 million
(287.1). The change in interest-bearing net debt from the
comparative period was EUR 35.2 million.

The changes in cash flows and net debt compared with Q1 last year
stem from the larger dividend pay-out, the increase in business
volume, and changes in project financing.

Net financing expenses were EUR 1.9 million (1.8), representing
0.6 % (0.8) of net sales. The equity ratio was 25.4 % (25.0) and
gearing 171.8 % (178.0).


Measurement and recognition principles

The Group’s IFRS transition date was 1 January 2004. The annual
financial statements dated 31 December 2005 were prepared in
accordance with IFRS accounting principles. The 2005 interim
financial reviews were restated in accordance with IFRS and
published in December. This interim financial review has been
prepared in accordance with the same IFRS measurement and
recognition principles as those observed in the year-end financial
statements for 2005. In addition the Group has adopted the new
standards and interpretations listed below. The Group will publish
its interim financial reviews in accordance with all the
requirements of IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting, after the
EU’s Transparency Directive has been incorporated into Finnish
legislation at the beginning of 2007 and the level and content of
mandatory reporting has been clarified.

New IFRS standards

The Group adopted the following new standards and interpretations
with effect from 1 January 2006:

IAS 19 (Amendment), Employee benefits: actuarial gains and losses,
accounting procedures and additional disclosures for group
Amendment to IAS 21: Net investment in a foreign operation (The EU
has not yet approved the amendment for adoption. Approval is
expected by the end of the year.)
IAS 39 (Amendment), Financial Instruments: recognition and
measurement (The application of cash flow hedge accounting to
forecast intra-group transactions)
IFRIC 4, Determining whether an arrangement contains a lease.

The adoption of these standards did not result in any changes in
the accounting principles that would have affected the information
presented in this interim financial review.

The information contained in the interim financial review has not
been audited.


Investments in the accounting period amounted to EUR 9.4 million
(10.8). The investments were mainly purchases of paving, crushing
and excavation equipment, production plant for building materials,
and building construction equipment


The average number of employees in the Group over the accounting
period was 7,187 (6,766), of whom 1,846 (1,516) were working
abroad. As of 31 March 2006, there were 7,354 (6,892) employees on
the payroll.


The Group’s order book rose 27% to stand at EUR 1,155.7 million
(909.8), of which foreign orders accounted for 30.3 % (30.1 %).

Order book by business sector

EUR mill.                     3/06      3/05   Change, %
Paving and Mineral                                      
Aggregates Division          255.3     216.0        18.2
Building Materials                                      
Division                      23.6      21.2        11.3
Lemcon Ltd                   368.3     234.3        57.2
Oy Alfred A. Palmberg Ab     441.5     362.8        21.7
Tekmanni Oy                   67.0      75.5       -11.3
Total                      1,155.7     909.8        27.0

Of the new construction projects started after the accounting
period, the most important is a new office building complex to be
built by Oy Alfred Palmberg Ab in the Salmisaari district of
Helsinki. Lemminkäinen’s own head office will be relocated to the
new building in 2009. The premises will be leased from the
developer, Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company. The project is
worth approx. EUR 100 million and construction work will begin in
summer 2006.

Oka Oy, a subsidiary of Palmberg, is building a shopping centre in
downtown Lappeenranta. The project also includes office space, a
parking facility and apartments. The total value of the project is
approx. EUR 41 million.

A contract for the construction of two office buildings in West
Pasila has been signed with Fennia Mutual Insurance Company. The
contract is worth about EUR 40 million.

A letter of intent has been signed with VR Group concerning the
site (approx. 8 hectares) of its railway engineering works in
Turku, where it is intended that 70,000 m2 of housing will be
built. Palmberg will purchase the building lots and construction
rights as soon as the site is officially zoned for housing
development. The project will be carried out in partnership with
Sato-Rakennuttajat Oy.

The above-mentioned projects are not included in the order book
for the review period.


The Annual General Meeting of Lemminkäinen Corporation held on 17
March 2006 adopted the 2005 annual financial statements and
granted the Board of Directors and the Managing Director freedom
from responsibility. In accordance with the Board of Directors’
proposal, the Annual General Meeting decided to pay a dividend of
EUR 1.00 per share, i.e. a total dividend pay-out of
17,021,250.00. The record date of the dividend payment was 22
March 2006 and the date of dividend payment was 29 March 2006.

Messrs. Berndt Brunow, Erkki J. Pentti, Heikki Pentti, Teppo
Taberman and Sakari Tamminen were elected to serve as members of
the Company's Board of Directors. The Board of Directors elected
Heikki Pentti to serve as the Chairman and Teppo Taberman to serve
as the Vice Chairman.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, a firm of authorised public
accountants, were elected to serve as the Company’s auditors, with
Mr. Jan Holmberg, A.P.A. acting as the auditor in charge.


The listed price of Lemminkäinen Corporation’s share was EUR 30.50
(15.74)at the beginning and EUR 34.86 (18.30) at the end of the
review period. The trading volume was 1,250,512 shares
(1,337,402). The market capitalisation at the end of the
accounting period was EUR 593.4 million (311.5).


In March 2004 the Finnish Competition Authority (FCA) proposed to
the Market Court that a sanction of EUR 68 million should be
imposed on Lemminkäinen in connection with the operation of an
alleged cartel in the asphalt paving industry. In its rejoinder
submitted to the Market Court, Lemminkäinen has denied the FCA’s
allegations as being unfounded in all respects and has called for
the Market Court to dismiss the FCA’s sanction proposal in its
entirety. The case is pending in the Market Court.

In March 2006 the FCA sent companies of the bituminous roofing
industry a copy of its draft proposal to the Market Court for
comment. The draft proposal alleges that prohibited exchanges of
information took place on the bituminous roofing market during the
years 1996-2002. The amount of the fine sought by the FCA is not
specified in the document. Lemminkäinen is studying the draft
proposal and will give its response during the course of this


Lemminkäinen’s outlook for the year ahead is good. The Group’s
housing production is growing and major infrastructure projects
will provide work in the coming years. The favourable development
of Lemminkäinen’s international business is expected to continue
in existing as well as new market areas. With an order book almost
30 % higher than last year, the prerequisites for net sales growth
and improved earnings are in place for 2006.

Helsinki, 10 May 2006

Lemminkäinen Corporation, Board of Directors

Lemminkäinen Corporation
Juhani Sormaala
Managing Director

CONSOLIDATED INCOME                                                
EUR mill.               3/2006   3/2005 Change Change, %    12/2005
Net sales                303.5    231.2   72.3      31.3    1,601.7
Operating income and    
expenses                -305.3   -237.2  -68.1     -28.7   -1,495.3
Depreciation              -5.0     -5.0    0.0       0.0      -34.0
profit/loss               -6.8    -11.0    4.2      38.2       72.5
Financial income          -2.7     -2.6   -0.1      -3.8      -11.5
Financial expenses         0.8      0.9   -0.1     -11.1        3.8
Share of the results     
of affiliated
undertakings              -0.3     -0.1   -0.2  over 100        1.1
Profit/loss before 
taxes                     -9.1    -12.8    3.7      28.9       65.9
Income taxes               1.7      3.2   -1.5     -46.9      -17.4
Profit/loss for the       
accounting period         -7.3     -9.6    2.3      24.0       48.5
Distribution of the result for                                     
the accounting period
To shareholders of      
the parent company        -8.3    -10.9    2.6      23.9       43.7
To minority                
interests                  1.0      1.3   -0.3     -23.1        4.7
EPS calculated from profit/loss attributable to parent company
shareholders, EUR
Earnings per share,      
EUR                      -0.49    -0.64                        2.57
Earnings per share,      
EUR, diluted             -0.49    -0.64                        2.57
NET SALES BY BUSINESS SECTOR                                       
EUR mill.              03/2006  03/2005 Change Change, %    12/2005
Paving and Mineral        
Aggregates Division       23.9     21.5    2.4      11.2      514.7
Building Materials        
Division                  11.6     13.2   -1.6     -12.1      100.3
Lemcon Ltd               100.9     66.0   34.9      52.9      328.8
Oy Alfred A.             
Palmberg Ab              129.7     99.4   30.3      30.5      517.3
Tekmanni Oy               42.9     40.5    2.4       5.9      191.1
Others                    -5.6     -9.4    3.8      40.4      -50.4
Group total              303.5    231.2   72.3      31.3    1,601.7
OPERATING PROFIT/LOSS BY                                           
EUR mill.              03/2006  03/2005 Change Change, %    12/2005
Paving and Mineral       
Aggregates Division      -20.6    -16.2   -4.4     -27.2       20.5
Building Materials        
Division                  -2.6     -3.4    0.8      23.5        0.6
Lemcon Ltd                 4.1      2.6    1.5      57.7       15.3
Oy Alfred A.              
Palmberg Ab                7.5      4.6    2.9      63.0       28.3
Tekmanni Oy                2.2      1.5    0.7      46.7        6.8
Others                     2.5     -0.1    2.6  over 100        1.0
Group total               -6.8    -11.0    4.2      38.2       72.5

EUR mill.            03/2006  03/2005          12/2005
Non-current assets                                    
Tangible assets        167.8    169.0            164.4
Goodwill on             
consolidation           63.7     63.2             63.5
Other intangible         
assets                   2.5      3.0              2.5
Investments              8.6     10.5             10.9
Deferred tax asset       9.3     10.3              4.0
Other non-current        
receivables              1.6      0.2              0.7
Total                  253.5    256.2            245.9
Current assets                                        
Inventories            240.0    223.4            223.7
Trade and other        
receivables            298.3    191.1            263.4
Cash funds              38.5     38.1             42.4
Total                  576.8    452.6            529.5
Assets, total          830.3    708.9            775.4
Shareholders’ equity and                              
Equity attributable to shareholders of the            
parent company
Share capital           34.0     34.0             34.0
Other shareholders’    
equity before
minority interest      140.2    111.7            166.9
Minority interest       13.3     15.5             14.6
Shareholders’          187.6    161.3            215.5
equity, total
Deferred tax            
liability               16.1     17.6             19.4
Pension liabilities      0.4      0.6              0.5
Provisions               3.4      4.4              4.9
liabilities             99.5    112.6            103.5
Other liabilities        3.0      1.1              2.5
Total                  122.4    136.3            132.3
Current liabilities                                   
Accounts payable       
and other
liabilities            256.2    197.3            267.1
Provisions               2.7      1.3              1.5
liabilities            261.4    212.7            160.5
Total                  520.3    411.3            427.6
equity and
liabilities, total     830.3    708.9            775.4

Statement of changes                                             
in equity
EUR mill.       Share    Share  Transla Revaluati Retain  Minori Sharehold
                capit  premium     tion        on     ed      ty      ers'
                   al  account  differe   reserve earnin  intere   equity,
                                    nce               gs      st     total
1.1.2005         34.0      5.8     -0.2       1.4  125.7    15.2     181.9
difference                          0.8                                0.8
Hedging of net                                                            
investment in                                                             
subsidiary                         -0.2                               -0.2
Transfer from                                                             
reserve                                      -0.2                     -0.2
Change in fair                                                            
value                                         0.2                      0.2
Reversal of                                                               
liability                                            0.0               0.0
distribution                                       -10.2             -10.2
Result for the                                                            
period                                              43.7     4.7      48.5
Change in                                                                 
interest                                                    -5.3      -5.3
31.12.2005       34.0      5.8      0.4       1.5  159.2    14.6     215.5
difference                         -0.1                               -0.1
Hedging of net   
investment in
subsidiary                          0.0                                0.0
Change in fair                       
value                                         0.1                      0.1
Effect of           
shares sold                                  -1.3                     -1.3
distribution                                       -17.0             -17.0
Result for the                                   
period                                              -8.3     1.0      -7.3
Change in                                            
interest                                                    -2.2      -2.2
31.3.2006        34.0      5.8      0.3       0.3  133.9    13.3     187.6

STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND                                  
EUR mill.             03/2006    03/2005          12/2005
Result before         
extraordinary items      -9.1      -12.8             65.9
according to plan         5.0        5.0             34.0
Other adjustments        -2.0       -0.4              4.3
Cash flow before       
change in working
capital                  -6.0       -8.2            104.2
Change in working     
capital                 -63.0      -17.3            -17.6
Financial items          -1.1       -1.4             -7.0
Direct taxes paid        -6.3       -5.2            -20.1
Cash flow from         
activities              -76.4      -32.1             59.5
Cash flow from          
activities               -3.8       -2.2            -18.3
Change in loans          94.4       42.2            -28.1
Dividends paid          -18.0       -9.9            -11.1
Cash flow from        
activities               76.4       32.3            -39.3
Change in cash                                           
funds                    -3.8       -2.0              1.9
Cash funds at            
beginning of period      42.4       39.9             39.9
difference of cash
funds                    -0.1        0.2              0.6
Cash funds at end  
of period                38.5       38.1             42.4
ECONOMIC TRENDS AND   03/2006    03/2005          12/2005
Return on equity,        
% 1)                     -3.6       -5.6             24.5
Return on              
investment, % 1)         -1.2       -2.1             16.5
Operating result,      
% of net sales           -2.3       -4.8              4.5
Equity ratio, %          25.4       25.0             31.0
Gearing, %              171.8      178.0            102.9
Gross investments,                                       
EUR million (incl.                                       
leasing purchases)        9.4       10.8             37.4
Order book, EUR       
mill.                 1,155.7      909.8          1,011.3
- of which foreign      
orders, EUR mill.       349.8      273.7            343.4
Average number of       
employees               7,187      6,766            7,912
Employees at end of     
period                  7,354      6,892            7,112
Net sales, EUR          
mill.                   303.5      231.2          1,601.7
- of which             
operations abroad,
EUR mill.                90.9       54.0            499.6
% of net sales           30.0       23.4             31.2
1)Only the result for the accounting period has been
included in the calculation of ROE and ROI.
SHARE-SPECIFIC        03/2006    03/2005          12/2005
Earnings per share,     
EUR                     -0.49      -0.64             2.57
Equity per share,       
EUR                     10.24       8.56            11.80
Dividend per share,                                  
EUR                                                  1.00
Dividend to                                          
earnings ratio, %                                    38.9
capitalisation, EUR
mill.                   593.4      311.5            519.1
Share price at end      
of period, EUR           34.86      18.30            30.50
Trading volume          
during period,
1,000 shares            1,251      1,337            4,610
Number of issued       
shares, 1,000
shares                 17,021     17,021           17,021
EUR mill.             03/2006    03/2005          12/2005
Securities for own                                       
Property mortgages        2.5        4.1              3.3
Business mortgages       98.7       98.1             99.2
Bonds pledged as          
security                  0.6        4.3              0.7
Total                   101.8      106.5            103.3
On behalf of             
companies                 0.5        0.3              0.4
On behalf of others       0.9        0.0              5.3
Leasing liabilities      26.0       22.1             27.7
Forward foreign                                          
exchange contracts
Nominal value            13.3       11.2             18.1
Current value             0.0        0.0             -0.2
Currency options,                                        
calls purchased
Nominal value             1.7        3.1              1.7
Current value             0.0        0.0              0.0
Currency options,                                        
puts written
Nominal value             0.8        3.1              1.7
Current value             0.0       -0.1             -0.2
Interest rate                                            
options, calls
Nominal value            36.4        8.4             36.4
Current value             0.0        0.0              0.0
Interest rate                                            
options, puts
Nominal value             7.0        8.4              6.9
Current value            -0.4       -0.7             -0.4
Interest rate swap                                       
Nominal value            12.1       14.6             12.1
Current value            -0.1       -0.2             -0.1
The fair value of contracts is the gain or loss arising
from closure of the contract based on the market price on
the accounting date.